Online-Klausuren an der Universität Hohenheim

What are online written examinations?

Online written examinations have been permitted at the University of Hohenheim since the winter semester 2010/2011. As the demand has continuously grown, online examinations may be carried out using centrally administered notebooks and students’ own notebooks in the Audimax and in the public computer rooms via the ILIAS learning platform.

Up to 200 students can be tested on campus at one time, and between 500 and 700 students can take online examinations consecutively each day. The evaluation of these examinations is automated to a large extent.

KIM and the Educational Development Unit would be pleased to advise you on preparing and creating online written examinations, and will support you during the implementation on campus.

What is the difference between a BYOD written examination and a written e-examination?

Written e-examinations are taken exclusively on centrally administered computers at the university. BYOD written examinations mean, in theory, that the written examination is taken exclusively on private computers (of the students).

However, the reality is that BYOD is a mixture of the two models presented, with a much greater emphasis on students' own computers. The basis for this is the Baden-Württemberg State Higher Education Act §32a (2), which stipulates an alternative to your own device.

Continuing education provision

Take advantage of the wide range of seminars and workshops to further develop your digital exams.

HDZ Program 2025

Needs-based individual advice and support

We will be happy to advise you on the (technical) didactic design of your custom digital exams and other questions relating to this topic.

KIM and the Educational Development Unit would be pleased to advise you on preparing and creating online written examinations, and will support you during the implementation on campus.